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Monday, March 20, 2006


I actually, really did get my first Nigerian scam email. I'd heard sooo much about it, but I couldn't tell anyone 'cause I was afraid they'd laugh (they should've). The scam and oil, I've heard, are the country's main industries.

Anyway, I never really know when something's stale and it's too late to make fun of it. I wanted to get in on the "Snakes on a Plane" thing, but I forgot about it when it came out, and now that I've remembered it... it just seems late. And the movie hasn't even come out yet!

But they're still doing Clinton-blowjob jokes.

Comments on "Stale."


Blogger Alex said ... (8:52 PM) : 

Hah, that is awesome. I got my second ever Nigerian scam email last week. Doesn't it make you feel special? And I personally think Snakes on a plane could end being a cool movie, in that this-is-utterly-ridiculous kind of way. Anyway, I want to thank you for making all of those responses to my blog. That makes you cool. And now you have a new fan. Talk to you later
~Alex (being my real name, not my cool made up blog-name)


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