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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Barely Legal

  • Were there any countdowns for Haley Joel Osment the way there were for the Olsen Twins?
  • Will Gary Glitter ever catch on as the butt of jokes the way Michael Jackson once did?
  • I hate people who ask you to sing something that doesn't have words. It just seems cruel.

Comments on "Barely Legal"


Blogger Alex said ... (6:11 PM) : 

I didn't even realize Jaley Joel Osment was still alive until you just mentioned him. Where's he been? But, uh, you make a good point. You are witty.


Blogger The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said ... (3:59 AM) : 

Finally, someone to replace the likes of the Coreys and Art Garfunkel in the cut throat world of soft core Canadian pornography.
Obscurity, thy name is Osment.


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