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Monday, April 03, 2006


Okay, so where have the Chicks been? I'm new to this whole "wireless network" thing. I couldn't access our usual network for a couple of days, and I thought that was my fault. I thought I had fucked up the card or something. Turns out, it was something on their end (don't ask who "they" are, 'cause I'm not exactly sure. Let's just say "they" are the ones with access to the "reset" button on the router).

For a while, I entertained the idea of taking the strips to Kinkos on floppy disks... but I'm not sure they even make floppies anymore.

Besides....I have too many bad memories of running to the high school computer lab, trying to print out physics labs, stressing out like some Hollywood BIOS hacker. "Shit! There's no time! But I'm almost in the mainframe!!! Yessss! I'm in!!!"

Eww. Physics.

Comments on "Floppy."


Blogger Martini Love said ... (3:45 AM) : 

That is hilarious... I kinda remember those but I am a little hazy on the details!


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