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Monday, April 17, 2006

Google Ads.

I feel bad, but that's the first thing that came to my mind when I heard that the guy blogged about his "fantasies."

I think it's funny that his mom's like, "He was such a sweet boy!"

But, he was on psych meds. Not that the meds made him unsweet (or even semi-sweet), but they do suggest there was some inkling of his social inadequacies.

Comments on "Google Ads."


Blogger Jamie said ... (10:52 AM) : 

I just saw your comment on one of my blogs which had me rolling. You're too funny! I'll be back!


Blogger Mom101 said ... (6:26 AM) : 

Oh my God this is hilarious. Amen to more dark humor on the internet. Found you through your comment on Wendy Boucher's blog, after which I shouldn't haver been surprised that your own blog would provide some juicy liberal goodness.


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